A Little About The Hopper....

For those unaware what exactly the "hopper" is...do not fear! Traditionally, the hopper rests in the House Chamber next to the Clerks desk. However, what rests inside the hopper is far more important. This seemingly innocent looking box is a bills' first step to potentially becoming a law. That's right, after all the necessary political mumbo-jumbo, a member of the House may place their freshly pressed new bill and hope for the best.

The Hopper here, however, is not a place for lawyer lingo or fine print. This is the People's Hopper. It's a place for all to gather, discuss what's going on with 'box hopper', and everything before, after, around and under what goes inside of it... and even the people who put it there. So...Welcome!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Birthday Suit

Guess what everybody, now if you get arrested for failure to use your turn signal…you can get strip searched when they take you into jail. All the police need is “reasonable suspicion” that you are carrying contraband. This court ruling was set into place today by the Supreme Court, and while they did admit that some ‘minor’ crimes can be omitted because of the fourth amendment, cases under similar laws have wound up with ‘criminals’ with unpaid ticket warrants, trespassers, and those arrested for driving without a license stripped down. This is, however, only allowed before you get put into general population, but it requires that you undress and get inspected by a guard. While I understand the conservative mindset that people can hide a variety of objects in places I do not even what to think about, and that they can be potentially dangerous or drug related…I sincerely dislike the terminology associated with allowing these searches. The fact of the matter it, there are corrupt strange people out there…who even make it into uniform. If I were to suddenly get arrested because I didn’t realize I had a ticket somewhere in ‘lala’ land that was never paid, I do not want to be at the disposal of a rule called “reasonable suspicion”. What exactly does that mean anyway? This also bothers me, because in some of the reports of these strip searches, women who had been sexually assaulted and also others menstruating have been required to strip to their skin in front of some stranger. This reminds me of the body scanners now allowed in many airports, and I do not understand how the Supreme Court could have declared these invasions constitutional on some level.  Like I said, I understand that some people have and will continue to carry illegal substances and weapons on their person. I also do understand that allowing dangerous people to continue to hold these in their possession when put into jail can cost someone their life. But strip in front of a stranger searches? No I do not think that is completely necessary. Honestly, I would feel better if they did use those body scanners. Aren’t they supposed to be able to detect almost anything? Then also the pictures would be sent to someone away from the room and people would not be put through the humiliating aspects of standing in front of a perfect stranger in your birthday suit. The scanner can then notify if ‘cavity searches’ are necessary right? I think that would spare everyone the uncomfortable atmosphere. 
You can read more information HERE

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